Honoring the US Flag Code

Honoring the US Flag Code

(NewInsights.org) – Ah, Old Glory, the US flag. Is it possible to drive through any city or town and not see at least one? Highly unlikely. According to Forbes, even foreigners would agree with that assumption, especially those who might view us as overly patriotic with how we flaunt our country’s flag. As Americans, most of us see no problem with that. But do foreigners, or even Americans, realize there are actual Flag Codes that must be honored to fly the Stars and Stripes properly?

Etiquette Don’ts

  • Never allow the flag to touch the ground, floor or water.
  • Never transport the flag flat, horizontally.
  • Never use it as a blanket, clothing or an item for hauling things.
  • Never damage the flag by drawing on it, defacing it, setting items upon it or allowing it to become dirty.
  • Never display the flag upside down unless signaling distress.
  • Don’t display the flag during inclement weather.

Etiquette Do’s

  • When displaying on a single staff, DO hoist briskly and lower ceremoniously.
  • Do display the flag 24 hours a day ONLY WITH proper lighting during dusk to dawn; without lighting display from sunrise to sunset.
  • Do fly it at half-staff on important days such as Memorial Day, when you may raise it to full-staff at noon, or days deemed as such by the federal, state or local government.
  • When displayed with other flags, DO place it at the utmost top, above all others.

Flag Disposal

When it comes time to retire a tattered American flag, there are a couple of options. You can contact an American Legion post since most hold annual ceremonies honoring and disposing of these worn, patriotic symbols. Or you can also do the following:

  • Fold the flag in the traditional triangle.
  • Build a fire large enough to consume the totality of the flag.
  • Set the flag on top of the fire.
  • All present come to attention, salute the flag, perform the Pledge of Allegiance and finish with a brief period of silence.
  • Once the flag has completely burned, extinguish any embers, remove the ashes and bury them.

Remember, the American flag is one of our oldest patriotic symbols. It represents our country and the American people, especially those who fought for the freedoms and civil liberties we enjoy. Always treat it with the utmost respect and dignity it deserves.

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