Israel Carries Out Deadly Airstrike

( – Israel has been relentless in its pursuit of Hamas. The conflict in Gaza has been ongoing for nearly nine months at this point. Israel has been carrying out airstrikes as part of its offensive. It recently carried out another one, killing a Palestinian militant.

On Sunday, Israel launched a drone attack, striking Nur Shams, where a stronghold of Palestinian militants are known to seek refuge in a camp. The drone shot off three missiles, one of which struck a house. Several people were injured, though it’s not clear if they were militants or civilians, though the Israeli military contends they were all responsible for recent attacks against Israel. Two of them were reported to be in critical condition. There was one death, Saeed al-Jaber, one of the Islamic Jihad’s local commanders.

Airstrikes have become increasingly common for Israel, and there have been several over the past few months, including one in late May responsible for dozens of civilian deaths. That incident prompted an international outcry for help for those in the region. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said civilians were not the target, but “something unfortunately went tragically wrong.” Opposition lawmakers lambasted him for the event.

The fighting has yet to die down. The Israeli military has been engaged in battle with Palestinian militants in Shijaiyah, an eastern Gaza City neighborhood. This is the second time the forces have been in the region. Israel previously said it had completed operations in the region months ago. That is likely because Hamas continues to regroup even after hard-hitting attacks.

Israeli forces are also on the offensive in Rafah, where more than one million Palestinians sought refuge after being forced to flee other regions. When the Israeli military moved in, the refugees, for lack of better options, largely remained in place in tents, though large groups did pack up and attempt to move in search of other shelters.

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