Charges Against Daisy Zantjer

Charges Against Daisy Zantjer

In a twist that would make even the most creative crime novelists raise an eyebrow, we find ourselves delving into a story that proves truth can indeed be stranger than fiction. Buckle up, dear readers, as we explore the curious case of Daisy Zantjer, a woman who apparently thought eye drops were the secret ingredient to spice up her marriage – and not in a good way. This tale serves as a stark reminder that domestic disputes can take unexpected turns, and that vigilance in our communities is paramount.

The Allegations

Daisy Zantjer, a 39-year-old resident of Pleasantville, Iowa, has found herself in hot water after allegedly attempting to poison her husband using an unconventional method. According to reports, Zantjer is accused of spiking her husband’s drink with eye drops on two separate occasions in July 2023. This bizarre choice of poison led to serious consequences for both Zantjer and her unsuspecting spouse.

Daisy Zantjer, 39, from Pleasantville, Iowa, has been accused of putting eye drops in her husband’s drink on two separate occasions in July 2023 – KCCI and WHO-13

The gravity of the situation became apparent when Zantjer’s husband experienced troubling symptoms, including breathing difficulties, which resulted in his hospitalization. Fortunately, he survived the ordeal, but the incident prompted an investigation by local authorities.

The Charges

Following a joint investigation by the Pleasantville Police Department and the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, Zantjer was arrested on July 30, 2023. The charges brought against her are severe, reflecting the serious nature of her alleged actions.

Pleasantville police Chief Joe Mrstik says Daisy Zantjer is charged with two counts of administering harmful substances and two counts of domestic abuse — injury or mental illness. She’s accused of spiking her husband’s drink with Tetrahydrozoline — an active ingredient in eye drops — in two separate instances last year.

These charges underscore the legal system’s view of such actions as not merely harmful but as a form of domestic abuse. It’s a sobering reminder that domestic violence can manifest in various forms, some more insidious than others.

The Danger of Ingesting Eye Drops

While eye drops might seem harmless when used as directed, ingesting them can lead to severe health complications. The key ingredient in question is tetrahydrozoline, a substance found in many over-the-counter eye drops.

When tetrahydrozoline is digested, it can cause sleepiness, low blood pressure, and a ‘dangerously slow heart rate.’ – Poison Control

Medical professionals emphasize the potential dangers of ingesting this substance. Dr. Brooke Johnson of Unity Point explains, “When you ingest it, it very rapidly can cross the blood barrier and have toxic effects within your blood, your brain, your central nervous system, and quickly affects the whole body.”

The Legal Process

As the legal proceedings unfold, Zantjer faces a complex road ahead. A hearing was scheduled for August 8, marking the beginning of what could be a lengthy legal process. The outcome of this case could have significant implications not only for Zantjer but also for how similar cases are handled in the future.


