Daily Insights

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Man Accused of Killing Synagogue Leader Heads to Trial

(NewsInsights.org) - Michigan Judge Kenneth King held a hearing in Detroit on Tuesday, January 23, to determine whether prosecutors had sufficient evidence to bring...

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Now Owns His Name

(NewsInsights.org) - Dwayne Johnson may have started his career as a college football athlete sidelined from professional ambitions by an injury, but most people...

Ford Halts Production of Biden’s EV Truck

(NewsInsights.org) - Auto manufacturer Ford has made costly and significant changes to its production lines over the years to accommodate electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing....

Experts Warn of Increased Chinese Ownership of US Farmland

(NewsInsights.org) - The Government Accountability Office (GAO), a watchdog agency tasked with overseeing the functionality of government agencies, concluded an investigation of the Department...

NFL Announces Pre-Game Performers

(NewsInsights.org) - Super Bowl LVIII (that’s 58 for those of us who can never remember the Roman numeral system) will take place on February...

DOJ Confirms It: Hunter’s Laptop Is Real

(NewsInsights.org) - In a filing opposing Hunter Biden’s legal contention that the Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) prosecution of him is vindictive, selective, and a...

Wigington and Adams Claim Cold Weather Is Engineered

(NewsInsights.org) - Mike Adams, founder of Brighteon, an alternative entertainment network, interviewed Dane Wigington, author and founder of GeoEngineering Watch, on January 10. The...

Two Navy Seals Go Missing During Red Sea Operation

(NewsInsights.org) - Two Navy SEALs, part of a team assigned to visit, board, search, and seize (VBSS) suspicious or adversarial vessels in the Red...

Trocinis Headed to Court To Face Coverup Charges

(NewsInsights.org) - Put succinctly, Michelle Traconis was the other woman. In 2017, she began dating and then moved in with Fotis Dulos, a married...

The Real Deal With Russia’s Kinzhal Hypersonic Missile

(NewsInsights.org) - Former President Donald Trump formally suspended the Strategic Arms Limitation II (SALT II) Treaty in February 2019 after signaling a US withdrawal...

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