House Intel Warns of Russian Space Weapon

( – House Intelligence Committee Chair Micahel Turner (R-OH) created some controversy in Congress last week when he released a cryptic message to the press on February 14, warning of an impending grave “national security threat” and asking President Joe Biden to declassify information relating to the situation. National Security Council Communications Coordinator John Kirby called Turner’s press release, which ultimately led to the revelation that Russia is developing a new space weapon, regrettable.

Turner’s release surprised National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, who told reporters at a press briefing that afternoon that he had scheduled a briefing with the Gang of Eight, the four Congressional leaders and the four Intelligence Committee leaders from both Houses, the following day to advise them. However, he told reporters he could not say anything more about the situation at that time.

On February 15, Kirby held a press conference at the White House with press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to discuss the situation and confirm specific details that leaked to the press through unofficial channels. Kirby also pleaded limitations in how much he could reveal but shared that Turner’s message related to Russia’s continuing development of “an anti-satellite capability.”

He stressed that the capability didn’t currently appear operational, and Russia hadn’t yet deployed it. While Kirby characterized Russia’s technological development as “troubling,” he also pointed out that it posed “no immediate threat” to safety.

Yet, Turner disagreed. He claimed he raised the alarm because he feared the Biden administration was “sleepwalking into an international crisis.” The New York Times went further, breaking a story about the possibility of Russia putting a nuclear weapon into low orbit that might target satellites from multiple nations and disrupt connectivity.

On February 18, Turner sat with NBC anchor Kristen Welker of “Meet the Press” to discuss his concerns. Welker pointed out that his message caused a firestorm on Capital Hill and asked whether he had taken the proper precautions before issuing his press release.

Yet, Turner assured her he was acting per protocols. He told the anchor he had nearly the entire House Intelligence Committee behind him with a 23 to1 vote agreeing to release the intelligence report to the rest of the House members because the committee saw the information as a credible threat.

Turner said the committee members believed all Congress members needed awareness of the developing situation. He emphasized that he had not acted in a vacuum and that Ranking Committee Member Jim Himes (D-CT) had agreed with his action. He believed that his press release helped prompt all levels of the administration to react to the threat in a more timely manner.

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