No Compromise vs ATF on Massive Gun Ban

( – The National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) bills itself as the largest “no compromise” organization lobbying for Second Amendment freedoms in the nation. Organized and founded in 2000 by Dudley Brown, the NAGR differentiates itself from the National Rifle Association (NRA) as a more outspoken opponent of gun control. Recently, the organization issued a statement opposing a proposed Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) rule change redefining when a person becomes “engaged in business” when buying or selling guns.

ATF Director Steven Dettelbach touted the new rule as a way to close a gun show loophole. It requires anyone selling firearms for profit as a business, even at flea markets, trade shows, or gun shows, to maintain a Federal Firearms License (FFL) and subject potential buyers to a federal background check. Once published in the Federal Register, the rule would take effect after 30 days.

However, in his NAGR statement, Brown claimed the new rule would “outlaw virtually all private sales of firearms between individuals.” He added his concerns that the ATF has become excessive in its enforcement measures. As an example, he cited an early-morning ATF raid on the home of Little Rock, Arkansas, airport executive director Bryan Malinowski.

Malinowski’s attorney, Brad Cummings, provided security footage to media outlets showing 10 AFT vehicles converging on the home in the predawn hours of March 19. The agents taped over the home’s doorbell camera before entering.

Cummings said he had “no publicly available evidence” indicating whether agents announced themselves or knocked before bursting into the home. He said Malinowski’s wife reported she heard a loud bang followed immediately by the front door crashing in when agents forced it.

Malinowski exchanged gunfire with the ATF agents and died three days later as a result of wounds he received from return fire. ATF agents allege the airport executive habitually bought and resold at least 150 firearms at gun shows between May 2021 and February 2024 without maintaining an FFL. Cummings and family members are questioning the use of deadly force and a surprise early-morning raid.

With the incident clearly in mind, the NAGR’s Brown commented that the ATF rule “brings us one step closer to Biden’s dream of Universal Gun Registration enforced by the ATF’s jackbooted thugs.”

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