Border DNA Scandal – Whistleblowers in Grave Danger

Hands with pipette and test tube

The Biden administration’s failure to collect DNA from illegal immigrants at the southern border has potentially allowed violent criminals to roam free, endangering American lives.

At a Glance

  • DHS accused of non-compliance with DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005
  • Only 30-40% of DNA collected from 3.2 million individuals in fiscal year 2023
  • Whistleblowers report severe retaliation for exposing DHS’s failures
  • Failure to collect DNA potentially linked to violent crimes, including murder
  • Republican legislators urge immediate action to enforce DNA collection

DHS’s Alarming Failure to Collect DNA

The Department of Homeland Security under the Biden administration is facing serious accusations of neglecting its duty to collect DNA samples from migrants at the U.S. southern border. This failure to comply with the DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005 has raised significant concerns about public safety and the identification of individuals with previous criminal offenses.

Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson recently hosted a roundtable to address this critical issue, emphasizing the risks to public safety. The alarming statistics reveal that in fiscal year 2023, only 30-40% of DNA was collected from 3.2 million individuals at the southern border. This gross neglect has potentially allowed dangerous criminals to slip through the cracks and evade detection.

Whistleblower Retaliation and Cover-ups

Adding to the gravity of the situation, whistleblowers who exposed DHS’s failure to comply with DNA collection laws have reported severe retaliation. These brave individuals have faced changes in duties, reduced pay, and removal from supervisory positions for speaking out against the agency’s negligence.

“CBP has failed to fulfill its responsibilities under the law and in so doing has compromised public safety. The failure to collect DNA clearly inhibits law enforcement’s ability to solve cold cases and to bring violent criminals to justice. The agency’s noncompliance with the law has allowed subjects subsequently accused of violent crimes, including homicide and sexual assault, to elude detection even when detained multiple times by Customs and Border Protection or Immigration and Customs Enforcement. This is an unacceptable dereliction of the agency’s law enforcement mandate.”

The Office of Special Counsel reviewed the disclosures and confirmed CBP’s failure to fulfill its legal responsibilities, compromising public safety. Even more disturbing, the Weapons of Mass Destruction Division, which raised this issue in 2018, was shut down after the whistleblowers came forward. This action reeks of a cover-up and an attempt to silence those who dare to speak the truth.

The Human Cost of DHS Negligence

The consequences of DHS’s failure to collect DNA are not just theoretical. A tragic example is the case of Rachel Morin, murdered by an illegal immigrant whose DNA was not collected despite multiple encounters with DHS. This heartbreaking incident underscores the real-world impact of the agency’s negligence.

“It is beyond heartbreaking to know that my daughter’s brutal death could have been prevented. This isn’t just a bureaucratic oversight; it’s a deadly failure that turned a protective measure into a hollow promise,” said Patty Morin, mother of Rachel Morin. “President Biden and Vice President Harris’ reckless disregard for border security puts every American family in imminent danger. How many more precious lives have to be lost before they decide to protect the people they were elected to serve?”

U.S. Senator Roger Marshall and Senator Chuck Grassley are now urging President Biden and Vice President Harris to take immediate action and collect DNA samples from all immigrants encountered by DHS. The stakes couldn’t be higher, as the failure to do so continues to put American lives at risk.

A Call for Accountability and Action

The Biden administration’s apparent disregard for the DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005 is not just a policy failure — it’s a dereliction of duty that endangers every American. The contrast with the previous administration is stark; the Trump administration issued a directive in 2020 to increase DNA collection, which the current administration has failed to enforce.

As concerned citizens, we must demand accountability from our elected officials. The safety and security of our communities depend on the proper implementation of laws designed to protect us. It’s time for the Biden administration to prioritize the safety of American citizens over its apparent lax approach to border security and illegal immigration.