(NewsInsights.org) – Mike Adams, founder of Brighteon, an alternative entertainment network, interviewed Dane Wigington, author and founder of GeoEngineering Watch, on January 10. The two discussed the arctic blast named Winter Storm Heather, which hit the northwest, central, and northeast portions of the US between January 14 through January 16. The storm dipped as far south as Houston and Corpus Christi, Texas, bringing freezing rain and snow flurries rarely seen in those areas. Wigington and Adams discussed why they believe the US government is engineering massive, deadly storms like Heather.
During the interview, featured on Brighteon’s Health Ranger Report (HRR) channel, the two talked about how the government is manipulating the weather using newer cloud seeding techniques. Wigington claimed the government experimented with techniques allowing snow precipitation at higher temperatures, up to as much as 14 degrees Fahrenheit above the natural freezing point. He alleged that by creating snow at higher temperatures, the government could cause surface temperatures to drop, in some cases precipitously.
Additionally, Wigington said the phenomena left weather agencies running in circles trying to “explain” how snow was beginning at temperatures sometimes exceeding 4 degrees F. The author explained that government agencies use chemically-nucleated cloud seeding to create winter storms like Heather, causing billions of dollars in crop damage, road closures, lost work, and stressing power grids to supply heat to homes and businesses. Further, Wigington told Adams the government was adding surfactants, the chemical components that cause soap to have suds and become slippery, to snowfalls.
Wigington and Adams discussed how globalists within the US government could use tools like weather modification to affect food production, kill agricultural soils by killing the crucial microbiomes with extreme temperatures, and affect populations with microplastics and other toxic agents in water supplies. Moreover, they discussed how Heather, the latest storm, targeted the nation’s breadbasket: Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and parts of Colorado.
The two went on to discuss global warming. Wigington contends that the phenomenon is absolutely happening, but not for the reasons or at the rate most suggest. Instead, he believes globalist governments worldwide are manipulating weather patterns to create a self-reinforcing global warming narrative. The author said every time governments use tools to control the weather on a large scale, it causes additional damage and “wildly” accelerates the process.
Wigington believes globalists are seeking to depopulate the Earth to a radical degree and using geoengineering tools, including weather modification, to accomplish their goals. Adams and Wigtington lamented that hundreds of millions of people could die if those manipulations continued.
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