Pro-Obama Operative Flips On Dems For Trump

( – A fundraising expert who raised millions of dollars for former President Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008 is breaking up with the left. Allison Huynh spent years championing liberal ideals as a Democrat but grew increasingly disillusioned with the party’s lack of action on a laundry list of important issues under President Joe Biden.

Increasingly frustrated that she felt Biden was “asleep at the wheel,” Hunyh decided to politically “divorce” Democrats earlier this year. The Silicon Valley tycoon now officially identifies as an Independent but says she fully intends to vote for Republican nominee Donald Trump in November.

Hunyh discussed the gradual shift in affiliation during an interview with Fox News’ Jesse Watters on June 19. Likening her departure to a divorce, she explained that the decision to leave stemmed from a series of frustrating events rather than any one issue.

When prompted to go into detail, Hunyh rattled off a long list of problems from her own backyard as proof. The single mother of three teenagers accused Biden of pandering to Big Tech and said Democrats have allowed criminals, including looters and Fentanyl dealers, to turn her city into a “failed experiment” devoid of grocery stores and shopping malls.

San Francisco continues to grapple with a record-breaking surge in fentanyl-related deaths and skyrocketing crime rates, particularly lootings, robberies, and thefts. Growing concerns about the safety of staff and inventory loss have already driven out many of the city’s most essential businesses, including grocery stores and shopping malls.

Hunyh’s answer for why she specifically opted to endorse Trump in the upcoming presidential election was far more straightforward. Commenting on her recent meeting with the Republican at a May Mar-a-Lago event, she said, “He was light and funny and intelligent.”

Hunyh was especially impressed by Trump’s economic savvy. “He had the information,” she said, noting his strong approach to crime, education, business, and immigration. Like many other voters right now, she’s hoping the former president can help turn the country’s current struggles around over the next four years.

But the Silicon Valley tycoon won’t have to wait until November to reap the benefits of her change in affiliation. She’s already poised to net a neat financial windfall of over $1 million by selling off her collection of Democratic Party collectibles, including the iconic “Hope” portrait of Barack Obama created by artist Shepherd Fairey.

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