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Prince Harry Leaves UK After Less Than 24 Hours

(NewsInsights.org) - Cancer diagnoses affect people differently, and everyone reacts individually, according to licensed clinical counselor Cheryl Fisher. In the British royal family, which...

Russia Issues Arrest Warrant for Bestselling Author

(NewsInsights.org) - Grigori Chkhartishvili, better known by his pen name, Boris Akunin, lives in London, England, even though he has remained one of Russia’s...

Graham Speaks Out About Retaliatory Strikes

(NewsInsights.org) - A drone strike by Iranian-backed proxies in Jordan killed three service members and injured more than 40 others on January 28. In...

States Plan To Sue VA for Not Covering Gender Reassignment

(NewsInsights.org) - The Department of Defense ended its ban on transgender, gay, and bisexual members openly serving in the military in June 2016 under...

Biden Issued Executive Order on Israel

(NewsInsights.org) - President Joe Biden and State Department officials have quietly focused diplomatic pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for several weeks to...

Nikki Haley Faces Down Super Tuesday

(NewsInsights.org) - Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has the New Hampshire GOP primary and an 11-point defeat in her rear-view mirror. She and...

Mayorkas Impeachment Grows as High-Profile Election Issue

(NewsInsights.org) - House Republicans have made no secret of their disappointment over immigration issues affecting the nation. They place much of the blame squarely...

Bayer Ordered To Pay Over $2.25 Billion in Damages

(NewsInsights.org) - After he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, a cancer that attacks the lymph system, John McKivison sued Monsanto, the manufacturer of Roundup,...

Trump Encourages States To Use National Guard To Move Migrants

(NewsInsights.org) - Homeland Security petitioned the Supreme Court of the United States through its Emergency Docket to appeal a Fifth Circuit Court ruling generally...

GOP Pushes to Ban Feds from Removing Border Wire

(NewsInsights.org) - The Supreme Court issued a 5 to 4 decision on Monday, January 22, vacating a temporary injunction placed by a lower court...

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