Comer Accuses Dems of Intimidation

( – House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) expressed his disappointment and outrage with Democratic Committee members both in a press release and in an interview with the Newsmax host of “Rob Schmitt Tonight.” He claimed Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and other Democrats took unprecedented actions to intimidate, shame, and discredit whistleblower Tony Bobulinski during his transcribed interview before the committee on Tuesday, February 13.

Speaking with Schmitt, Comer told the host he’d “never seen such witness intimidation” as he witnessed in the committee on Tuesday. He described Congress members wagging fingers, shouting, and calling the witness’s testimony into question. He even claimed Democratic committee members “were telling him to shut up.”

Comer called Bobulinski “an American hero.” However, in a statement reminiscent of a certain Hollywood movie, he claimed his Democratic counterparts “can’t handle the truth.”

Comer explained that Bobulinski testified that Biden was “the brand” son Hunter and brother James were selling to enrich the family. Additionally, Bobulinski recounted meeting Joe Biden several times in May 2017 in Los Angeles “to discuss the broad contours of our business dealings,” according to Newsmax.

Comer pointed out that Bobulinski’s timeline showed Biden’s involvement during the closing months of his time as vice president under former President Barack Obama. Schmitt quickly suggested some might construe Biden’s actions as treason because he and his family sought to ease market entry for the Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC, a company with known Chinese Communist Party ties, into the US marketplace.

On Monday, February 12, Rep. Raskin, the ranking Democratic member on the House Oversight Committee, sent a letter to Chair Comer asking him to call additional witnesses during Bobulinski’s transcribed interview to address questions surrounding the witness’ credibility. Raskin wrote that Bobulinski, Hunter and James Biden, and other investors formed SinoHawk Holdings, the company in question, after Joe Biden left office in the spring of 2017. He also clarified that neither James nor Hunter Biden discussed any role in the venture for Joe Biden.

Raskin claimed that Bobulinski had taken his story and text messages to reporters at The Wall Street Journal in October 2020. They performed an independent investigation and due diligence, interviewing other recipients of the text messages, and found no basis for the businessman’s claims of Joe Biden’s involvement in the company. Conservative outlet Fox News came to a similar conclusion.

Additionally, Raskin pointed out that business partners James Gilliar and Rob Walker refuted claims that Joe Biden had any involvement in their business activities, including in transcribed interviews under oath. The committee released the transcribed interview with Rob Walker on Tuesday, February 13.

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