RFK Jr. Comes to Trump’s Defense

ASTON, PA - SEPTEMBER 22, 2016: Donald Trump giving the thumbs up gesture as he delivers a campaign speech at Sun Center Studios.

(NewsInsights.org) – On Tuesday, December 19, the Colorado State Supreme Court held in a 4-3 ruling that former President Donald Trump’s conduct surrounding the events of January 6, 2021, violated Section Three of the 14th Amendment, disqualifying him as a candidate for public office. The court ordered the Colorado Secretary of State to remove his name from the state’s Republican primary presidential ballot. Yet, an unusual ally has come to Trump’s defense.

Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Jr., running as an independent, had a lot to say about the Colorado decision on X, formerly Twitter. In his first post, he announced the decision and noted that when courts in other countries make similar decisions, the US typically denounces the move as undemocratic. Yet, he pointed out it occurred in our nation.

Kennedy added that he wasn’t a Trump fan but believes the voters must choose who will run the country, not the courts. He also said he wanted the opportunity to win against Trump in a fair election, not by default because a court disqualified him.

Less than 10 minutes later, RFK Jr. posted an expanded thread, explaining his thoughts in greater detail. He began, stating, “Every American should be troubled by the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove President Trump from the ballot.”

He explained that the court had deprived Trump of the ability to run without the benefit of due process because no criminal court has yet convicted him of any crime, and the former president hasn’t yet had an opportunity to face his accusers in a court of law. RFK added that depriving any candidate of the opportunity to run for office also limits voters’ choices. He stated he hoped the Colorado court would reverse itself and mentioned that the move fed the theory some hold that elites control elections.

Yet, Kennedy made another point about unity. He said if a court decision prevented voters from deciding the election, as they have always done in the history of the nation, Trump supporters would never accept the election results, causing even more division and chaos than currently exists. RFK Jr. said, “This country will become ungovernable.”

Kennedy ended his thread by saying, “It’s time to trust the voters” because that’s the basic lesson of the democratic form of government. The system demands that the many decide, not the few — the people, not the courts.

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